Brand & Graphic Designer

Brand & Graphic Designer

Push Digital

PUSH DIGITAL is a boutique marketing and advertising company that operates in a wide variety of media and specializes in organic and sponsored promotion for businesses.
PUSH DIGITAL regretted its goal of providing close and high-quality service to its customers out of a genuine desire to promote and take business to the next level.
PUSH DIGITAL specializes in organic promotion and creating quality and effective sponsored campaigns.

For PUSH DIGITAL I have chosen a color that will present the professional values and the nature of the company’s activities in combination with a modern, flexible and elegant font.

The PUSH DIGITAL company logo was designed in a typographic style in combination with an icon created from the letter “U” which represents the company’s core value – close and close support in the pursuit of promoting the business and encouraging it to grow.

The visual identity associated with the brand is based on the central “U” element combined with circles and conveys flexibility, professionalism and closeness in accordance with the brand’s values, work style and vision.

Push Digital

PUSH DIGITAL is a boutique marketing and advertising company that operates in a wide variety of media and specializes in organic and sponsored promotion for businesses.
PUSH DIGITAL regretted its goal of providing close and high-quality service to its customers out of a genuine desire to promote and take business to the next level.
PUSH DIGITAL specializes in organic promotion and creating quality and effective sponsored campaigns.

For PUSH DIGITAL I have chosen a color that will present the professional values and the nature of the company’s activities in combination with a modern, flexible and elegant font.

The PUSH DIGITAL company logo was designed in a typographic style in combination with an icon created from the letter “U” which represents the company’s core value – close and close support in the pursuit of promoting the business and encouraging it to grow.

The visual identity associated with the brand is based on the central “U” element combined with circles and conveys flexibility, professionalism and closeness in accordance with the brand’s values, work style and vision.

™ All Rights Reserved | Yonatan Harazi

™ All Rights Reserved | Yonatan Harazi